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Contest Closed


1st place: For King and Country by Michał Pietrzak

Prize: $25 DrivethruRPG gift card AND sponsored publication of the winning scenario!


2nd place: Ballad of the Lost Danava by Kevin Kreiner

Prize: $20 DrivethruRPG gift card


3rd place: A Long Day's Night by Sabrina Haenze

Prize: $10 DrivethruRPG gift card


Honourable mention: Extragalactic Tea Time by Michael Fryda


The response was overwhelming and the decision so very hard for our judges! We were astounded by the creativity of this great community, and everyone should be super proud of their submissions. We read some very creative outlines that we'd love to see developed into full scenarios.!


Congratulations to the winners!

Scenario-Writing Contest

We celebrated so many milestones this summer!


  • The Stars Are Right podcast's 2 year anniversary!

  • The climactic Cults of Cthulhu finale!

  • Our 100th episode!

In celebration, our friend and Avatar patron Drue  generously offered to fund a contest!


Write your own 1-page Call of Cthulhu scenario outline for a chance to win our lovely prizes!


Join our Discord server to ask questions and chat about what you're working on! Once you're in, check out the #contest-chat channel.

How it works:
  • Pick one of the writing prompts below. Choose between non-historical fantasy adventure, mid-century LA noir investigation, or futuristic alien world survival.


  • Write a 1-page outline based on it, showing how you’d develop it into a full Call of Cthulhu scenario.


  • Submissions closed on August 16th 2023.


  • Our panel of judges will pick the winners by September 16th.


Full details below...

first prize package

On top of their $25 DriveThruRPG gift voucher, the winning author will be offered the opportunity to work with the Stars Are Right publishing team to develop their submission and publish it as their own fully fledged scenario ready for sale on the Miskatonic Repository!



The package includes:


  • Editing (2 drafts of a short scenario - up to 15 pages)


  • Proofreading


  • Artwork

    • A hand-painted, full-colour cover

    • A hand-drawn monochrome creature portrait

    • 2 photo-edited portraits of key NPCs

  • A handout bundle from The Eldritch Ephemera Atelier


  • Formatting and layout into a professional-quality PDF


  • 1 free playtest with Star Are Right cast members (recorded and released on our Patreon)


  • Recorded play-through of the scenario, run and played by the Stars Are right team and released on the podcast!


  • Publicity through the Stars Are Right catalogue and social media



All of the above is included in your prize thanks to Drue’s generous sponsorship. Extras (e.g. more art, or editing for a longer scenario) can be added, but additional fees aren’t covered by the contest.



Once the scenario is complete, you get to upload it to the Miskatonic Repository and keep all the proceeds from sales!

The rules in detail


Choose one of the three writing prompts and write your own (1-page) scenario outline that incorporates its key themes and elements, or otherwise uses it as inspiration.



The scenario outline must fit on a single A4 page, must use Arial font at size 11 with single line spacing and default (1 inch) margins, and should be delivered in PDF format. Do not include your name (or anything that could identify you) in your PDF - submissions will be judged anonymously.



Keep your scenario short! You only have 1 page to work with and less is more; pack that page full of the key details and focus on what makes it unique. Our judges will be looking for clarity of layout and writing, originality of concepts, and diversity of characters.


As an example, check out the original outline for The Castle of Greed, which started as the winning entry in a contest like this one!


There is a #contest-chat channel on our discord server. Drop by to ask any questions or chat with the other contestants.



Attach your PDF to an email. Include “scenario writing contest” in your subject line, and sign the email with your name (but make sure not to put anything that identifies you in the PDF attachment). If you're on Discord, please also include your discord username. Send it to


Only the non-identifiable PDFs will be passed to the judges by a third party so that they can judge the entries anonymously.



We strongly advise focusing on a single quality submission rather than spreading yourselves thin, but multiple submissions are permitted. Each author will only be able to win one prize however.


All contestants keep the rights to their work. You're free to choose to develop your outline into a full scenario with Stars Are Right, on your own, or not at all. Your ideas are safe with us - your entry will be read by our judges but nothing will be made public except the titles of the winners.


The 1st prize sponsored publication package only applies to services by Stars Are Right, but if you publish with us you also keep the rights to your scenario and the proceeds from its sales.



From the start of the contest (July 26th), participants will have 3 weeks (until end of August 16th) to submit as detailed above. The judges will then deliberate to select three winners to receive 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes. 


Winners will be announced on September 16th on our Discord and social media, and will be contacted personally by email. May the best writer win!

The Prompts:

Setting: non-historical fantasy, unexplored frontier

Key concepts: adventure, challenge, exploration


Summary: Young warrior Asylin, eager to escape her monotonous training, finds a new challenge in the form of an enigmatic and formidable warrior woman introduced by her father, the king, embarking on a thrilling journey that promises to test her skills and courage like never before.


Full Prompt:


Asylin moved quickly, her steps light and nimble as she shifted to the left. Her sparring partner charged forward, his heavy-training sword held high. Asylin dropped her right shoulder, deftly avoiding the lunge, and spun around to gain the upper hand.


The young guardsman stumbled, overextended, and Asylin seized the moment. She swung her wooden shield up to her right and landed a swift blow against the side of the man's steel helm. He staggered back, dazed and defeated.


"Good strike!" called the king. Asylin's heart swelled with pride as she heard her father's voice. She lowered her shield, taking a deep breath as the young guardsman stumbled from the training hall.


Asylin wiped the sweat from her forehead and moved to remove her helmet, her hair damp and matted against her skin. She had grown restless with the monotony of training, yearning for a challenge to break the tedium.


"Come here, girl," called the king, striding into the room with his entourage. "I want you to meet someone."


Asylin set aside her training gear and moved to stand before her father. "Aye, father," she said, her voice laced with a hint of impatience. "But send me someone worthy of my time. I am growing rusty in this place."


The king smiled at his daughter's eagerness, knowing full well that she craved adventure and excitement. "I have just the person in mind," he said, gesturing to a dark figure standing at the edge of the room.


Asylin squinted, trying to make out the person's features in the shadows. Suddenly, the figure stepped forward, revealing itself as a tall, imposing woman with a sword at her hip.


Asylin's eyes widened in surprise. "Who is she?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.


"She is a warrior from a distant land," replied the king. "A formidable opponent, if ever there was one. I thought you might enjoy the challenge."


Asylin's heart raced as she regarded the woman. She had never seen anyone quite like her before - confident, fearless, and with an air of mystery about her. She felt a thrill of excitement course through her veins, knowing she was about to embark on a journey unlike any she had ever known.



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